Package 'DoE.wrapper'

Title: Wrapper Package for Design of Experiments Functionality
Description: Various kinds of designs for (industrial) experiments can be created. The package uses, and sometimes enhances, design generation routines from other packages. So far, response surface designs from package 'rsm', Latin hypercube samples from packages 'lhs' and 'DiceDesign', and D-optimal designs from package 'AlgDesign' have been implemented.
Authors: Ulrike Groemping [aut, cre], Lenth Russ [ctb]
Maintainer: Ulrike Groemping <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.12
Built: 2025-03-09 03:56:49 UTC

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Wrapper package for design of experiments functionality


This package creates various kinds of designs for (industrial) experiments. It uses, and sometimes enhances, design generation routines from other packages. So far, response surface designs from package rsm, designs for computer experiments (latin hypercube samples etc.) from packages lhs and DiceDesign and D-optimal designs from package AlgDesign have been implemented.


Currently, the package provides classical response surface designs from package rsm: Box-Behnken designs by Box and Behnken (function and central composite designs by Box and Wilson ( are implemented. For the latter, there is also a function for augmenting 2-level fractional factorials into central composite designs (

Furthermore, latin hypercube samples and other designs for computer experiments from packages lhs and DiceDesign are provided.

Furthermore, D-optimal designs have been implemented, using package AlgDesign. This implementation is currently in beta shape.

All designs created by this package are class design objects, which are data frames with attributes.

Apart from providing designs, the package also provides functions for comparing the quality of several designs with quantitative variables (function compare).


This package is still under (slow) development. Reports about bugs and inconveniences are welcome.


Ulrike Groemping


Box, G.E.P. and Behnken, D.W. (1960). Some new three-level designs for the study of quantitative variables. Technometrics 2, 455-475.

Box, G.E.P., Hunter, J.S. and Hunter, W.G. (2005, 2nd ed.). Statistics for Experimenters. Wiley, New York.

Box, G.E.P. and Wilson, K.B. (1951). On the Experimental Attainment of Optimum Conditions. J. Royal Statistical Society, B13, 1-45.

NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods,, accessed August 20th, 2009.

Myers, R.H., Montgomery, D.C. and Anderson-Cook, C.M. (2009). Response Surface Methodology. Process and Product Optimization Using Designed Experiments. Wiley, New York.

See Also

See also, ccd.augment,,,, Dopt.augment, lhs-package, rsm, optFederov, optBlock, compare, FrF2

Function for generating Box-Behnken designs


Function for generating Box-Behnken designs, making use of package rsm

Usage, ncenter=4, factor.names = NULL, default.levels=c(-1,1), 
, randomize=TRUE, seed=NULL, ...)



number of factors


integer number of center points for each block


list of scale end values for each factor (the middle value is calculated);
names are used as variable names;
the names must not be x1, x2, ..., as these are used for the variables in coded units;
if the list is not named, the variable names are A, B and so forth; in the coded units used in attribute desnum, -1 corresponds to the smaller, +1 to the larger value.


default levels (vector of length 2) for all factors for which no specific levels are given; must consist of two numeric values for the scale ends, the default middle level is calculated

name of block factor that distinguishes between the blocks; blocks are usable for nfactors=4 and nfactors=5 only, is ignored otherwise.


logical that indicates whether or not randomization should occur


optional seed for random number generation in randomization
In R version 3.6.0 and later, the default behavior of function sample has changed. If you work in a new (i.e., >= 3.6.-0) R version and want to reproduce a randomized design from an earlier R version (before 3.6.0), you have to change the RNGkind setting by
before running function
It is recommended to change the setting back to the new recommended way afterwards:
For an example, see the documentation of the example data set VSGFS.


reserved for future usage


Function creates a Box-Behnken design, which is a design for quantitative factors with all factors on three levels. Box-Behnken designs should not be used if the combinations of the extreme levels of the factors are of interest (cf. also Myers, Montgomery and Anderson-Cook 2009). There are designs for 3 to 7 factors, and the unreplicated versions of these have 14 (3 factors), 24 (4 factors), 40 (5 factors), 48 (6 factors), and 56 (7 factors) runs plus the specified number of center points ncenter.

Function is an interface to function bbd from package rsm that makes this design accessible using similar syntax as used in packages DoE.base and FrF2 and creates an output object that is also treatable by the convenience functions available in package DoE.base.

Currently, creation of replications and repeated measurements - as would be usual for other design functions - is not implemented. This is planned for the future, but does not have high priority.


The function returns a data frame of S3 class design with attributes attached. The data frame itself is in the original data scale. The matrix desnum attached as attribute desnum contains the coded data, the attribute run.order contains the standard order and the actual run order of the design (contrary to package rsm, the row names of the design refer to the actual rather than the standard run order).

The attribute is a list of design properties. The element type of that list is the character string bbd. Besides the elements present in all class design objects, there are the elements quantitative (vector with nfactor TRUE entries), and a codings element usable in the coding functions available in the rsm package, e.g.


Since R version 3.6.0, the behavior of function sample has changed (correction of a biased previous behavior that should not be relevant for the randomization of designs). For reproducing a randomized design that was produced with an earlier R version, please follow the steps described with the argument seed.


This package is still under (slow) development. Reports about bugs and inconveniences are welcome. is based on version 1 of package rsm.


Ulrike Groemping


Box, G.E.P. and Behnken, D.W. (1960). Some new three-level designs for the study of quantitative variables. Technometrics 2, 455-475.

Box, G.E.P., Hunter, J.S. and Hunter, W.G. (2005, 2nd ed.). Statistics for Experimenters. Wiley, New York.

Box, G.E.P. and Wilson, K.B. (1951). On the Experimental Attainment of Optimum Conditions. J. Royal Statistical Society, B13, 1-45.

NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods,, accessed August 20th, 2009.

Myers, R.H., Montgomery, D.C. and Anderson-Cook, C.M. (2009). Response Surface Methodology. Process and Product Optimization Using Designed Experiments. Wiley, New York.

See Also

See also FrF2,, lhs-package, rsm


plan1 <-  ## default for 5 factors is unblocked design, contrary to package rsm
## blocked design for 4 factors, using default levels
plan2 <-,"block",default.levels=c(10,30))
## design with factor.names and modified ncenter,ncenter=6, 
  factor.names=list("one"=c(25,35),"two"=c(-5,20), "three"=c(20,60)))
## design with character factor.names and default levels,factor.names=c("one","two", "three"), default.levels=c(10,20))

Function for augmenting an existing cube with a star portion, using package rsm


Function for augmenting an existing fractional factorial with a star portion in case of a late decision for a sequential procedure.


ccd.augment(cube, ncenter = 4, columns="all","Block.ccd",
        alpha = "orthogonal", randomize=TRUE, seed=NULL, ...)



design generated by function FrF2. The design must not be a split-plot design, nor a parameter design in long version.


integer number of center points, or vector with two numbers, the first for the cube and the second for the star portion of the design.
If only one number is given, this is either used for each block (if the cube block does not have center points yet) or for the star portion of the design only.

name of block factor that distinguishes (at least) between blocks; even for unblocked cubes, the ccd design has a cube and a star point block


“orthogonal”, “rotatable”, or a number that indicates the position of the star points; the number 1 would create a face-centered design.


logical that indicates whether or not randomization should occur


NULL or a vector of two integer seeds for random number generation in randomization
In R version 3.6.0 and later, the default behavior of function sample has changed. If you work in a new (i.e., >= 3.6.-0) R version and want to reproduce a randomized design from an earlier R version (before 3.6.0), you have to change the RNGkind setting by
before running function ccd.augment.
It is recommended to change the setting back to the new recommended way afterwards:
For an example, see the documentation of the example data set VSGFS.


reserved for future usage


not yet implemented; it is intended to later allow to add star points for only some factors of a design (after eliminating the others as unimportant in a sequential process), and columns will be used to indicate those


The statistical background of central composite designs is briefly described under CentralCompositeDesigns.

Function ccd.augment augments an existing 2-level fractional factorial that should already have been run with center points and should have resolution V.

In exceptional situations, it may be useful to base a ccd on a resolution IV design that allows estimation of all 2-factor interactions of interest. Thus, it can be interesting to apply function ccd.augment to a cube based on the estimable functionality of function FrF2 in cases where a resolution V cube is not feasible. Of course, this does not allow to estimate the aliased 2-factor interactions and therefore generates a warning.


The function returns a data frame of S3 class design with attributes attached. The data frame itself is in the original data scale. The data frame desnum attached as attribute desnum is the original data frame returned by package rsm. The attribute is a list of various design properties. The element type of that list is the character string ccd. Besides the elements present in all class design objects, there are the elements quantitative (vector with nfactor TRUE entries), and a codings element usable in the coding functions available in the rsm package, e.g.

Note that the row names and the standard order column in the run.order attribute of ccd designs based on estimability requirements (cf. also the details section) are not in conventional order and should not be used as the basis for any calculations. The same is true for blocked designs, if the blocking routine blockpick.big was used.


Since R version 3.6.0, the behavior of function sample has changed (correction of a biased previous behavior that should not be relevant for the randomization of designs). For reproducing a randomized design that was produced with an earlier R version, please follow the steps described with the argument seed.


This package is still under (slow) development. Reports about bugs and inconveniences are welcome. ccd.augment is based on version 1 of package rsm.


Ulrike Groemping


Box, G.E.P., Hunter, J.S. and Hunter, W.G. (2005, 2nd ed.). Statistics for Experimenters. Wiley, New York.

Box, G.E.P. and Wilson, K.B. (1951). On the Experimental Attainment of Optimum Conditions. J. Royal Statistical Society, B13, 1-45.

NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods,, accessed August 20th, 2009.

Myers, R.H., Montgomery, D.C. and Anderson-Cook, C.M. (2009). Response Surface Methodology. Process and Product Optimization Using Designed Experiments. Wiley, New York.

See Also

See also, FrF2, lhs-package, rsm


## purely technical examples for the sequential design creation process
    ## start with a fractional factorial with center points
    plan <- FrF2(16,5,default.levels=c(10,30),ncenter=6)
    ## collect data and add them to the design
    y <- rexp(22)
    plan <- add.response(plan,y)
    ## assuming that an analysis has created the suspicion that a second order 
    ## model should be fitted (not to be expected for the above random numbers):
    plan.augmented <- ccd.augment(plan, ncenter=4)
    ## add new responses to the design
    y <- c(y, rexp(14))  ## append responses for the 14=5*2 + 4 star points
    r.plan.augmented <- add.response(plan.augmented, y, replace=TRUE)

  ## for info: how to analyse results from such a desgin
    lm.result <- lm(y~Block.ccd+(.-Block.ccd)^2+I(A^2)+I(B^2)+I(C^2)+I(D^2)+I(E^2), 
    ## analysis with function rsm
    rsm.result <- rsm(y~Block.ccd+SO(A,B,C,D,E), r.plan.augmented)
    summary(rsm.result)  ## provides more information than lm.result
    loftest(rsm.result)  ## separate lack of fit test
    ## graphical analysis 
    ## (NOTE: purely for demo purposes, the model is meaningless here)
    ## individual contour plot
    ## several contour plots
    contour(rsm.result,list(B~A, C~E))
    ## many contourplots, all pairs of some factors

Function for accessing central composite designs from package rsm


Function for accessing central composite designs from package rsm, with automatic creation of an appropriate cube portion

Usage, factor.names=NULL, default.levels=c(-1,1), ncube=NULL, 
        resolution=if (identical(blocks,1) & is.null(ncube)) 5 else NULL, 
        generators=NULL, ncenter = 4, alpha = "orthogonal", 
        replications=1,"Block.ccd", blocks=1, 
        randomize=TRUE, seed=NULL, ...)



number of factors


list of cube corner values for each factor; names are used as variable names; the names must not be x1, x2, ..., as these are used for the variables in coded units;
if the list is not named, the variable names are X1, X2 and so forth; in coded units, -1 corresponds to the smaller, +1 to the larger value.


default levels (vector of length 2) for all factors for which no specific levels are given


integer number of cube points (without center points for the cube)


arabic numeral for the requested resolution of the cube portion of the design; cubes for ccd designs should usually be at least of resolution V. the default value for resolution is therefore 5, unless generators or blocks are specified, in which case the default is NULL


generators in the form allowed in function FrF2


integer number of center points for each cube or star point block, or vector with two numbers, the first for the cube and the second for the star portion of the design


“orthogonal”, “rotatable”, or a number that indicates the position of the star points; the number 1 would create a face-centered design.


the number of replications of the design; currently, only proper replications can be generated; these are randomized in blocks within the center point and star blocks. The same number of replications is used for both the cube and the star blocks.

name of block factor that distinguishes between blocks; even for unblocked cubes, the ccd design has at least one cube and one star point block


the same as in function FrF2;
the number of blocks into which the experiment is subdivided
OR a character vector of names of independent factors that are used as block constructors
OR a vector or list of generators similar to generators.
In the latter case, the differences to generators are

  • that numbers/letters refer to the factors of the experiment and not to column numbers of the Yates matrix

  • that numbers/letters can refer to *all* nfactors factors rather than the log2(nruns) base factors only,

  • that one single number is always interpreted as the number of blocks rather than a column reference,

  • that individual numbers are allowed in a list (i.e. individual factors specified in the experiment can be used as block factors) and

  • that no negative signs are allowed.

If blocks is a single number, it must be a power of 2. A blocked design can have at most nruns-blocks treatment factors, but should usually have fewer than that.

If the experiment is randomized, randomization happens within blocks.

For the statistical and algorithmic background of blocked designs, see block.
Note that the blocking strategy of package FrF2 was modified with version 2 (2.1) of the package.


logical that indicates whether or not randomization should occur


NULL or a vector of two integer seeds for random number generation in randomization
In R version 3.6.0 and later, the default behavior of function sample has changed. If you work in a new (i.e., >= 3.6.-0) R version and want to reproduce a randomized design from an earlier R version (before 3.6.0), you have to change the RNGkind setting by
before running function
It is recommended to change the setting back to the new recommended way afterwards:
For an example, see the documentation of the example data set VSGFS.


reserved for future usage


The statistical background of central composite designs is briefly described under CentralCompositeDesigns.

Function creates a central composite design from scratch. It proceeds by generating a cube design with function FrF2 and then augmenting this cube design using functions from package FrF2 for adding center points to the cube and subsequently function ccd from package rsm for generating the star portion of the design.

There are two main purposes for this function: one is to provide central composite designs within the same syntax philosophy used in packages DoE.base-package and FrF2. The other is to automatically identify good (=resolution V) cube portions, which can be achieved by using the resolution parameter.

In comparison to direct usage of package ccd, the functions make the syntax closer to that of the other packages in the DoE.wrapper suite and allow automatic selection of fractional factorials as cubes.

Function does not allow direct use of the estimable functionality that is available in function FrF2. Nevertheless, ccd designs with a cube based on the estimable functionality can be generated by first using function FrF2 and subsequently applying function ccd.augment. It may for example be interesting to use designs based on estimability requirements for 2-factor interactions in cases where a resolution V cube for the ccd is not feasible - of course, this does not allow to estimate the full second order model and therefore generates a warning.


The function returns a data frame of S3 class design with attributes attached. The data frame itself is in the original data scale. The data frame desnum attached as attribute desnum is the coded design. The attribute is a list of various design properties. The element type of that list is the character string ccd. Besides the elements present in all class design objects, there are the elements quantitative (vector with nfactor TRUE entries), and a codings element usable in the coding functions available in the rsm package, e.g.

Note that the row names and the standard order column in the run.order attribute of ccd designs are not in conventional order, if the blocking routine blockpick.big was used. In such situations, these should not be used as the basis for any calculations.


Since R version 3.6.0, the behavior of function sample has changed (correction of a biased previous behavior that should not be relevant for the randomization of designs). For reproducing a randomized design that was produced with an earlier R version, please follow the steps described with the argument seed.


This package is still under (slow) development. Reports about bugs and inconveniences are welcome. is based on version 1 of package rsm.


Ulrike Groemping


Box, G.E.P., Hunter, J.S. and Hunter, W.G. (2005, 2nd ed.). Statistics for Experimenters. Wiley, New York.

Box, G.E.P. and Wilson, K.B. (1951). On the Experimental Attainment of Optimum Conditions. J. Royal Statistical Society, B13, 1-45.

NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods,, accessed August 20th, 2009.

Myers, R.H., Montgomery, D.C. and Anderson-Cook, C.M. (2009). Response Surface Methodology. Process and Product Optimization Using Designed Experiments. Wiley, New York.

See Also

See also ccd.augment,, FrF2, lhs-package, rsm

Examples ## per default uses the resolution V design in 16 runs for the cube, ncube=32) ## uses the full factorial for the cube, ncenter=6, default.levels=c(-10,10))
## blocked design (requires ncube to be specified), ncube=32, blocks=4) 
## there is only one star point block

## for usage of other options, look at the FrF2 documentation

Statistical background of central composite designs


Brief description of the statistical background of central composite designs


Central composite designs (ccd's) were invented by Box and Wilson (1951) for response surface experimentation with quantitative factors. They are used for estimation of second order response surface models, i.e. models that allow to estimate linear, quadratic and interaction effects for all factors.

Central composite designs consist of a cube and star points (also called axial points). Both the cube and the star portion of the design should have some center points. The cube is a (fractional) factorial design and should be at least of resolution V. The line between the center points and the star points intersects the faces of the cube in their middle (see the link to the NIST/Sematech e-Handbook for a visualization). There are two star points per factor, i.e. the number of runs for (each block of) the star portion of the design is twice the number of factors plus the number of center points in the star portion.

The tuning parameter alpha determines whether the star points lie on the faces of the cube (alpha=1, face-centered), inside the cube (alpha<1, inscribed) or outside the cube (alpha>1, circumscribed). The latter case is the usual one. The value of alpha can be chosen such that the design is rotatable (may be useful if the scales of the factors are comparable) or such that the design is orthogonally blocked (i.e. the block effects do not affect the effect estimates of interest). The default is to generate orthogonally blocked designs.

Central composite designs are particularly useful in sequential experimentation, where a (fractional) factorial with center points is followed up by a star portion of the design. While the cube can already estimate the linear and interaction effects, the center points can only estimate the sum of all quadratic effects. If this indicates that quadratic effects are important, a star portion can be added in order to investigate the model more deeply.


This package is still under (slow) development. Reports about bugs and inconveniences are welcome.


Ulrike Groemping


Box, G.E.P., Hunter, J.S. and Hunter, W.G. (2005, 2nd ed.). Statistics for Experimenters. Wiley, New York.

Box, G.E.P. and Wilson, K.B. (1951). On the Experimental Attainment of Optimum Conditions. J. Royal Statistical Society, B13, 1-45.

NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods,, accessed August 20th, 2009.

Myers, R.H., Montgomery, D.C. and Anderson-Cook, C.M. (2009). Response Surface Methodology. Process and Product Optimization Using Designed Experiments. Wiley, New York.

See Also

See Also ccd,, ccd.augment

Function for augmenting a design with D-optimal additional points using optFederov from package AlgDesign


Function for comfortably augmenting a design with D-optimal additional points; this functionality is still somewhat experimental.


Dopt.augment(design, m=1, formula=NULL, candidates=NULL, constraint=NULL, 
    center=FALSE, nRepeats=5, 
    seed=NULL, randomize=TRUE, ...)



an experimental design of class design, which may not be a blocked, split-plot, neither crossed or parameter design; it also must not be replicated with repeat.only replications.


integer number of additional points to add to design design


a model formula (starting with a tilde), for the estimation of which a D-optimal design is sought;
it can contain all column names from data or elements or element names from factor.names, respectively;
usage of the “.”-notation for “all variables” from data or factor.names is possible.
The default formula (if the value NULL is not changed) is the formula associated with the design (by function

For quantitative factors, functions quad() and cubic describe the full quadratic or full cubic model in the listed variables (cf. examples and the expand.formula-function from package AlgDesign).


data frame of candidate points; if not specified, candidates are constructed as a full factorial from the factor.names element of the attribute of design


a condition (character string!) used for reducing the candidate set to admissible points only.
constraint is evaluated on the specified data set or after automatic creation of a full factorial candidate data set.
The variable names from data or factor.names can be used by the constraint.
Per default (i.e. if the constraint is NULL), the constraint attribute from design is used.
If a previously-applied constraint is to be removed, specify constraint = "".
It is not possible to apply a constraint that is already violated by the design that is to be augmented.


requests that optimization is run for the centered model; the design is nevertheless output in non-centered coordinates


number of independent repeats of the design optimization process; increasing this number may improve the chance of finding a global optimum, but will also increase search time


seed for generation and randomization of the design (integer number);
here, the seed is needed even if the design is not randomized, because the generation process for the optimum design involves random numbers, even if the order of the final design is not randomized;
if a reproducible design is needed, it is therefore recommended to specify a seed

In R version 3.6.0 and later, the default behavior of function sample has changed. If you work in a new (i.e., >= 3.6.-0) R version and want to reproduce a randomized design from an earlier R version (before 3.6.0), you have to change the RNGkind setting by
before running function Dopt.augment.
It is recommended to change the setting back to the new recommended way afterwards:
For an example, see the documentation of the example data set VSGFS.


logical deciding whether or not the design should be randomized; if it is TRUE, the design (or the additional portion of the design) returned by the workhorse function optFederov is brought into random order after generation. Note that the generation process itself contains a random element per default; if exact repeatability for the returned design is desired, it is necessary to specify a seed (option seed) if in the case randomize=FALSE.


additional arguments to function optFederov from package AlgDesign;
interesting arguments: maxIteration, nullify (calculate good starting design, especially set to 1, in which case nRepeats is set to 1;
arguments criterion and augment are not available, neither are evaluateI, space, or rows, and args does not have an effect.


Function Dopt.augment augments an existing design by m D-optimal additional points (unblocked designs, no split-plot, no parameter or crossed design, no repeat.only replications), i.e. by points that make the design particularly efficient for the intended model.

Option center, which is available for both blocked and unblocked designs as part of the ... argument, requests optimization for the centered model; the design that is created is nevertheless an uncentered design.

NULL entries in the arguments are filled with automatic values that are determined from design.


The function returns a data frame of S3 class design with attributes attached. The data frame contains the experimental settings. The matrix desnum attached as attribute desnum contains the model matrix of the design, using the formula as specified in the call.
Function Dopt.augment preserves additional variables (e.g. responses) that have been added to the design design before augmenting. Note, however, that the response data are NOT used in deciding about which points to augment the design with.

The attribute run.order provides the run number in standard order (as returned from function optFederov in package AlgDesign) as well as the randomized actual run order. The third column is always identical to the first. Note that the first n runs (the ones that are already present before augmentation) have run numbers in standard order from 1 to n (i.e. their original run numbers in standard order, if they were also generated by are lost).

The attribute is a list of various design properties, with type resolving to “Dopt.augment”. In addition to the standard list elements (cf. design), the element quantitative is a vector of nfactor logical values or NAs, and the optional digits elements indicates the number of digits to which the data were rounded. The list contains further entries regarding the optimality that has been achieved (D, Dea and A).

Note that the original design is contained in the first rows of the new data set. The original design also contains columns that are not directly part of the design, e.g. comment columns.
Note that replications is always set to 1, even if the original design was replicated, and repeat.only is always FALSE. These elements are only present to fulfill the formal requirements for class design.)


Since R version 3.6.0, the behavior of function sample has changed (correction of a biased previous behavior that should not be relevant for the randomization of designs). For reproducing a design that was produced with an earlier R version, please follow the steps described with the argument seed.


This package is still under (slow) development. Reports about bugs and inconveniences are welcome.


Ulrike Groemping


Atkinson, A.C. and Donev, A.N. (1992). Optimum experimental designs. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Federov, V.V. (1972). Theory of optimal experiments. Academic Press, New York.

Wheeler, R.E. (2004). Comments on algorithmic design. Vignette accompanying package AlgDesign. ../../AlgDesign/doc/AlgDesign.pdf.

See Also

See also optFederov,, quad, cubic, Furthermore, unrelated to function Dopt.augment, see also function gen_design from package skpr for a new general R package for creating D-optimal or other letter optimal designs.


## a full quadratic model with constraint in three quantitative factors 
   plan <-,factor.names=list(eins=c(100,250),zwei=c(10,30),drei=c(-25,25)),
                          constraint="!(eins>=200 & zwei==30 & drei==25)")
   y <- rnorm(36)
   r.plan <- add.response(plan, y)
   plan2 <- Dopt.augment(r.plan, m=10)
   ## add the new response values after conducting additional experiments
   y <- c(y, rnorm(10))
   r.plan2 <- add.response(plan2,y, replace=TRUE)
   summary(r.plan2, brief=FALSE)

Function for creating D-optimal designs with or without blocking from package AlgDesign


Function for comfortably creating a D-optimal design with or without blocking based on functions optFederov or optBlock from package AlgDesign; this functionality is still somewhat experimental.

Usage, data=NULL, formula=~., factor.names=NULL, nlevels=NULL, 
    digits=NULL, constraint=NULL, center=FALSE, nRepeats=5, seed=NULL, randomize=TRUE, 
    blocks=1,"Blocks", wholeBlockData=NULL, qual=NULL, ...)



number of runs in the requested design


data frame or matrix of candidate design points;
if data is specified, factor.names and levels are ignored


a model formula (starting with a tilde), for the estimation of which a D-optimal design is sought;
it can contain all column names from data or elements or element names from factor.names, respectively;
usage of the “.”-notation for “all variables” from data or factor.names is possible.
The default formula linearly includes all main effects for columns of data or factors from factor.names respectively, by using the “.”-notation. Note that the variables from wholeBlockData must be explicitly included into the formula and are not covered by the “.”-notation for “all variables”. (Thus, the default formula does not work, if wholeBlockData is used.) For quantitative factors, functions quad() and cubic describe the full quadratic or full cubic model in the listed variables (cf. examples and the expand.formula-function from package AlgDesign).


is used for creating a candidate set (for the within Block factors) with the help of function, if data is not specified. It is a list of vectors which contain
- individual levels
- or (in case of numerical values combined with nlevels) lower and upper scale end values
for each factor.
The element names are used as variable names;
if the list is not named, the variable names are A, B and so forth (from function
factor.names can also be a character vector. In this case, nlevels must be specified, and levels are automatically assigned as integers starting with 1, which implies quantitative factors, unless qual=TRUE is specified.


can be omitted if the list factor.names explicitly lists all factor levels (which of course defines the number of levels).
For numeric factors for which factor.names only specifies the two scale ends, these are filled with equally-spaced intermediate points, using the nlevels entry as the length.out argument to function seq.
If factor.names is a character vector of factor names only, nlevels is required, and default levels are created.


is used for creating a candidate set if data is not specified.
It specifies the digits to which numeric design columns are rounded in case of automatic creation of intermediate values. It can consist of one single value (the same for all such factors) or a numeric vector of the same length as factor.names with integer entries.


a condition (character string!) used for reducing the candidate set to admissible points only. constraint is evaluated on the specified data set or after automatic creation of a full factorial candidate data set.
The variable names from data or factor.names can be used by the constraint. The variable names from wholePlotData can NOT be used.
See Syntax and Logic for an explanation of the syntax of general and especially logical R expressions.


requests that optimization is run for the centered model; the design is nevertheless output in non-centered coordinates


number of independent repeats of the design optimization process; increasing this number may improve the chance of finding a global optimum, but will also increase search time


seed for generation and randomization of the design (integer number);
here, the seed is needed even if the design is not randomized, because the generation process for the optimum design involves random numbers, even if the order of the final design is not randomized;
if a reproducible design is needed, it is therefore recommended to specify a seed.

In R version 3.6.0 and later, the default behavior of function sample has changed. If you work in a new (i.e., >= 3.6.-0) R version and want to reproduce a randomized design from an earlier R version (before 3.6.0), you have to change the RNGkind setting by
before running function
It is recommended to change the setting back to the new recommended way afterwards:
For an example, see the documentation of the example data set VSGFS.


logical deciding whether or not the design should be randomized; if it is TRUE, the design (or the additional portion of the design) returned by the workhorse function optFederov is brought into random order after generation. Note that the generation process itself contains a random element per default; if exact repeatability for the returned design is desired, it is necessary to specify a seed (option seed) if in the case randomize=FALSE.


a single integer giving the number of blocks (default 1, if no blocking is needed)
a vector of block sizes which enable blocks of different sizes;
for a scalar value, nruns must be divisible into blocks equally-sized blocks; for a vector value, the block sizes must add up to nruns.
If blocking is requested, the following two options are potentially important.

character string: name of the blocking variable (used only if blocks are requested)


optional matrix or data frame that specifies the whole block characteristics;
can only be used if blocks are requested; if used, it must have as many rows as there are block sizes.
If this is specified, the resulting design is a split-plot design with the whole-plot factors specified in wholeBlockData, the split-plot factors specified in data. Note that usage of this option makes it necessary to explicitly specify a formula.

Since wholeBlockData must be completely specified by the user, optimization is for the split-plot portion of the design only. The rationale is (assumably) that the characteristics of the available blocks are known. If this is not the case, users may want to try out various possible whole block setups, or to proceed sequentially by first optimizing a whole block design for a model with the whole block factors only and subsequently using this model for adding split-plot factors.


optional logical (length 1 or same as number of factors); ignored, if data is specified; overrides automatic determination of whether or not factors are quantitative;
if neither qual nor data are specified, factors are per default quantitative, unless they have non-numeric levels in a list-valued factor.names


additional arguments to functions optFederov or optBlock (if blocking is requested) from package AlgDesign;
interesting arguments for optFederov: maxIteration, nullify (calculate good starting design, especially set to 1, in which case nRepeats is set to 1);
arguments criterion and augment are not available, neither are evaluateI, space, or rows, and args does not have an effect.


Function creates a D-optimal design, optionally with blocking, and even as a split-plot design. If no blocks are required, calculations are carried out through function optFederov from package AlgDesign. In case of blocked designs, function optBlock from package AlgDesign is behind the calculations. By specifying wholeBlockData, a blocked design becomes a split-plot design. The model formula can refer to both the within block data (only those are referred to by the “.” notation) and the whole block data and interactions between both.
In comparison to direct usage of package AlgDesign, the function adds the possibility of automatically creating the candidate points on the fly, with or without constraints. Furthermore, it embeds the D-optimal designs into the class design. On the other hand, it sacrifices some of AlgDesigns flexibility; of course, users can still use AlgDesign directly.

The D-optimal designs are particularly useful, if the classical regular designs are too demanding in run size requirements, or if constraints preclude automatic generation of orthogonal designs. Note, however, that the best design in few runs can still be very bad in absolute terms!

When specifying the design without the data option, a full factorial in the requested factors is the default candidate set of design points. For some situations - especially with many factors - it may be better to start from a restricted candidate set. Such a candidate set can be produced with another R function, e.g. or FrF2, or can be manually created.

If there are doubts, whether the process has delivered a design close to the absolute optimum, nRepeats can be increased.

For unblocked designs, it is additionally possible to increase maxIteration. Also, improving the starting value by nullify=1 or nullify=2 may lead to an improved design. These options are handed through to function optFederov from package AlgDesign and are documented there.


The function returns a data frame of S3 class design with attributes attached. The data frame contains the experimental settings. The matrix desnum attached as attribute desnum contains the model matrix of the design, using the formula as specified in the call.
Function Dopt.augment preserves additional variables (e.g. responses) that have been added to the design design before augmenting. Note, however, that the response data are NOT used in deciding about which points to augment the design with.

The attribute run.order provides the run number in standard order (as returned from function optFederov in package AlgDesign) as well as the randomized actual run order. The third column is always identical to the first.

The attribute is a list of various design properties, with type resolving to “Dopt”, “Dopt.blocked”, “Dopt.splitplot”. In addition to the standard list elements (cf. design), the element quantitative is a vector of nfactor logical values or NAs, and the optional digits elements indicates the number of digits to which the data were rounded. For blocked and splitplot designs, the list contains additional information on numbers and sizes of blocks or plots, as well as the number of whole plot factors (which are always the first few factors) and split-plot factors.
The list contains a list of optimality criteria as calculated by function optFederov, see documentation there) with elements D, Dea, A and G.

(Note that replications is always 1 and repeat.only is always FALSE; these elements are only present to fulfill the formal requirements for class design. Note however, that blocked designs do in fact repeat experimental runs if nruns and blocks imply this.)


Since R version 3.6.0, the behavior of function sample has changed (correction of a biased previous behavior that should not be relevant for the randomization of designs). For reproducing a design that was produced with an earlier R version, please follow the steps described with the argument seed.


This package is still under (slow) development. Reports about bugs and inconveniences are welcome.


Ulrike Groemping


Atkinson, A.C. and Donev, A.N. (1992). Optimum experimental designs. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Federov, V.V. (1972). Theory of optimal experiments. Academic Press, New York.

Wheeler, R.E. (2004). Comments on algorithmic design. Vignette accompanying package AlgDesign. ../../AlgDesign/doc/AlgDesign.pdf.

See Also

See also optFederov,, quad, cubic, Dopt.augment. Furthermore, unrelated to function, see also function gen_design from package skpr for a new general R package for creating D-optimal or other letter optimal designs.


## a full quadratic model with constraint in three quantitative factors 
   plan <-,factor.names=list(eins=c(100,250),zwei=c(10,30),drei=c(-25,25)),
                          constraint="!(eins>=200 & zwei==30 & drei==25)")
   y <- rnorm(36)
   r.plan <- add.response(plan, y)
   plan2 <- Dopt.augment(r.plan, m=10)
   ## designs with qualitative factors and blocks for
   ## an experiment on assessing stories of social situations
   ## where each subject is a block and receives a deck of 5 stories
   plan.v <-, factor.names=list(cause=c("sick","bad luck","fault"), 
             consequences=c("alone","children","sick spouse"),
             constraint="!(Age==\"young\" & consequences==\"children\")",
   ## an experiment on assessing stories of social situations
   ## with the whole block (=whole plot) factor gender of the assessor
   ##    not run for saving test time on CRAN
   ## Not run: plan.v.splitplot <-, factor.names=list(cause=c("sick","bad luck","fault"), 
             consequences=c("alone","children","sick spouse"),
             constraint="!(Age==\"young\" & consequences==\"children\")",
## End(Not run)

Functions for accessing latin hypercube sampling designs from package lhs or space-filling designs from package DiceDesign


Functions for comfortably accessing latin hypercube sampling designs from package lhs or space-filling designs from package DiceDesign, which are useful for quantitative factors with many possible levels. In particular, they can be used in computer experiments. Most of the designs are random samples.

Usage, nfactors, type="optimum", factor.names=NULL, seed=NULL, digits=NULL, 
         nlevels = nruns, default.levels = c(0, 1), randomize = FALSE, ...)
lhs.augment(lhs, m=1, type="optAugment", seed=NULL, ...)



number of runs in the latin hypercube sample;
for type fact (a full factorial with equally-space levels), if nlevels is not separately specified, this number is taken to be the common number of levels of all factors, i.e. the resulting design will have nruns^nfactors runs;
alternatively, if nlevels is separately specified as a vector of different numbers of levels, nruns can be missing or can be the correctly-specified number of runs.


number of factors in the latin hypercube sample


character string indicating the type of design or augmentation method; defaults are “optimum” for and “optAugment” for lhs.augment.

Function calls
a function named typeLHS from package lhs (types genetic, improved, maximin, optimum, random),
a function named typeDesign from package DiceDesign (types dmax, strauss, fact)
or function runif.faure from package DiceDesign (type faure).

Function lhs.augment calls function typeLHS from package lhs,
where possible choices for type are augment, optSeeded, or optAugment.
see the respective functions from packages lhs and DiceDesign.


seed for random number generation; latin hypercube samples from package lhs are random samples. Specifying a seed used to make the result reproducible for early versions of package lhs - lately, results are reproducible within a package version, but reproducibility between package versions cannot be guaranteed.


list of scale end values for each factor; names are used as variable names;
the names should not be x1, x2, ..., as this would interfere with usability of standard second order analysis methods on the resulting data (link{rsmformula});
if the list is not named, the variable names are X1, X2 and so forth; the original unit cube calculated by package lhs (scale ends 0 and 1 for each variable) is rescaled to the values given in factor.names.


digits to which the design columns are rounded; one single value (the same for all factors) or a vector of length nfactors;
note that the rounding is applied after generation of the design on the actual data scale, i.e. the unit cube generated by the functions from packages lhs or DiceDesign is NOT rounded


used for type fact only; integer number or numeric vector of nfactor integers; specifies the number of levels for each factor. If all factors have the same number of levels, the number of levels can also be specified through nruns, which is interpreted as the number of levels for type fact, if nlevels is not separately specified


scale ends for all factors; convenient, if all factors have the same scaling that deviates from the default 0/1 scale ends.


logical that prevents randomization per default. The option has an effect for types fact and faure only. All other types are based on random design generation anyway. Note that preventing randomization is the default here, because these designs are assumed to be used mostly for computer experimentation, where the systematics of the non-randomized design may be beneficial. For hardware experimentation, randomization should be set to TRUE!

If randomization is requested, the following information is relevant:
In R version 3.6.0 and later, the default behavior of function sample has changed. If you work in a new (i.e., >= 3.6.0) R version want to run code interchangeably on R 3.6.0 and an earlier R version, you have to change the RNGkind setting in the later R version by
before running function
It is recommended to change the setting back to the new recommended way afterwards:
For an example, see the documentation of the example data set VSGFS.


design generated by function (class design, of type lhs


integer number of additional points to add to design lhs (note, however, that optSeeded does not necessarily preserve all original runs!)


additional arguments to the functions from packages lhs or DiceDesign. Refer to their documentation.
Functions for generating lhs designs: randomLHS, geneticLHS, improvedLHS, maximinLHS, optimumLHS, dmaxDesign, straussDesign, runif.faure, factDesign;
functions for augmenting lhs designs: augmentLHS, optSeededLHS, optAugmentLHS)


Function creates a latin hypercube sample, function lhs.augment augments an existing latin hypercube sample (or in case of type optSeeded takes the existing sample as the starting point but potentially modifies it). In comparison to direct usage of package lhs, the functions add the possibility of recoding lhs samples to a desired range, and they embed the lhs designs into class design.
Range coding is based on the recoding facility from package rsm and the factor.names parameter used analogously to packages DoE.base and FrF2.

The lhs designs are useful for quantitative factors, if it is considered desirable to uniformly distribute design points over a hyperrectangular space. This is e.g. considered interesting for computer experiments, where replications of the same settings are often useless.

Supported design types are described in the documentation for packages lhs and DiceDesign.


Both functions return a data frame of S3 class design with attributes attached. The data frame contains the experimental settings as recoded to the scale ends defined in factor.names (if given), rounded to the number of digits given in digits (if given). The experimental factors in the matrix desnum attached as attribute desnum contain the design in the unit cube (all experimental factors ranging from 0 to 1) as returned by packages lhs or DiceDesign.
Function lhs.augment preserves additional variables (e.g. responses) that have been added to the design lhs before augmenting. Note, however, that the response data are NOT used in deciding about which points to augment the design with.

The attribute run.order is not very useful for most of these designs, as there is no standard order. It therefore is present for formal reasons only and contains three identical columns of 1,2,...,nruns. For designs created with type=fact or type=faure, the standard order is the order in which package DiceDesign creates the design, and the actual run order may be different in case of randomization.
In case of lhs.augment, if the design to be augmented had been reordered before, the augmented design preserves this reorder and also the respective numbering of the design.

The attribute is a list of various design properties, with type resolving to “lhs”. In addition to the standard list elements (cf. design), the subtype element indicates the type of latin hypercube designs and possibly additional augmentations, the element quantitative is a vector of nfactor logical TRUEs, and the digits elements indicates the digits to which the data were rounded.
For designs created with package DiceDesign, special list elements from this package are also added to
randomize is always TRUE for designs generated by random sampling, but may be FALSE for designs created with type=fact or type=faure.
coding provides formulae for making the designs comfortably usable with standard second order methodology implemented in package rsm. replications is always 1 and repeat.only is always FALSE; these elements are only present to fulfill the formal requirements for class design.


Since R version 3.6.0, the behavior of function sample has changed (correction of a biased previous behavior that should not be relevant for the randomization of designs). For using code that randomizes a design interchangeably between a new R version (3.6.0 or later) and an older one, please follow the steps described with the argument randomize.

Note also: Package lhs does not promise to keep designs reproducible between package versions. Thus, please make sure to store important designs for the future, if needed (of course, this is always wise anyway!).


This package is still under (slow) development. Reports about bugs and inconveniences are welcome.


Ulrike Groemping


Beachkofski, B., Grandhi, R. (2002) Improved Distributed Hypercube Sampling. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Paper 1274.

Currin C., Mitchell T., Morris M. and Ylvisaker D. (1991) Bayesian Prediction of Deterministic Functions With Applications to the Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments, Journal of the American Statistical Association 86, 953–963.

Santner T.J., Williams B.J. and Notz W.I. (2003) The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments, Springer, 121–161.

Shewry, M. C. and Wynn and H. P. (1987) Maximum entropy sampling. Journal of Applied Statistics 14, 165–170.

Fang K.-T., Li R. and Sudjianto A. (2006) Design and Modeling for Computer Experiments, Chapman & Hall.

Stein, M. (1987) Large Sample Properties of Simulations Using Latin Hypercube Sampling. Technometrics 29, 143–151.

Stocki, R. (2005) A method to improve design reliability using optimal Latin hypercube sampling. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences 12, 87–105.

See Also

See Also compare for comparing optimality criteria for various designs,
lhs-package and DiceDesign-package for the packages that do the calculations,
FrF2,,, pb for other possibilites of generating designs


## maximin design from package lhs
   plan <-,7,"maximin",digits=2) 
   y <- rnorm(20)
   r.plan <- add.response(plan, y)
   ## augmenting the design with 10 additional points, default method
   plan2 <- lhs.augment(plan, m=10)
   ## purely random design (usually not ideal)
   plan3 <-,4,"random",
          factor.names=list(c(15,25), c(10,90), c(0,120), c(12,24)), digits=2)
   ## optimum design from package lhs (default)
   plan4 <-,4,"optimum",
   ## dmax design from package DiceDesign
   ## arguments range and niter_max are required
   ## ?dmaxDesign for more info
   plan5 <-,4,"dmax",
              range=0.2, niter_max=500)
   ## Strauss design from package DiceDesign
   ## argument RND is required
   ## ?straussDesign for more info
   plan6 <-,4,"strauss",
              RND = 0.2)
   ## full factorial design from package DiceDesign
   ## mini try-out version
   plan7 <-,4,"fact",
   ## Not run: 
   ## full factorial design from package DiceDesign
   ## not as many different levels as runs, but only a fixed set of levels
   ##    caution: too many levels can easily bring down the computer
   ##    above design with 7 distinct levels for each factor, 
   ##    implying 2401 runs 
   plan7 <-,4,"fact",
   ## equivalent call
   plan7 <-,4,"fact",nlevels=7,
   ## different number of levels for each factor
   plan8 <-,4,"fact",nlevels=c(5,6,5,7),

   ## equivalent call (specifying nruns, not necessary but a good check)
   plan8 <-,4,"fact",nlevels=c(5,6,5,7),
## End(Not run)

Overview of optimality criteria in experimental design packages


One function for calculating the S-optimality criterion is provided here. This help file documents this function and also describes optimality criteria from other related packages, referring to space filling optimality like the S criterion or to model-based optimality like the well-known D-criterion.





matrix, often normalized to unit cube,
design (class design) of type lhs or Dopt.
For design objects, calculations are applied to the desnum attribute.


two or more designs, either all of type lhs or all of type Dopt, can be compared w.r.t. some optimality criteria that are stored in their attribute (only works with designs created by DoE.wrapper version 0.7 or higher)


Function Scalc calculates the S criterion for optimality, which is employed in package lhs for most optimization purposes (exception: maximin designs). The criterion is the harmonic mean of all pairwise interpoint distances, and space-filling optimization tries to maximize it.

Function from package AlgDesign calculates various model-based optimality criteria:


a confounding matrix of effects, if requested


the k-th root of the determinant of Z'Z/N, where Z is the model matrix of the model under investigation, k is the number of columns of Z and N the number of rows; this is the quantity optimized for D-optimal designs


the arithmetic mean of coeffient variance multipliers, i.e. the average diagonal element of the inverse of Z'Z/N, intercept included


the average prediction variance over a space X; calculated only, if X is specified


the minimax normalized variance over X; calculated only, if X is specified


A lower bound on D efficiency for approximate theory designs. It is equal to exp(1-1/Ge), i.e. is also calculated only, if X is specified.


the k-th root of the ratio of the determinant of M1 divided by the product of diagonal elements of M1, where M1 is Z'Z with the column and row referring to the intercept removed, and k the number of columns of M1; if this is 1, the coefficient estimates are uncorrelated.


the geometric mean of normalized coeffient variance multipliers (intercept excluded), i.e. the geometric mean of the diagonal elements of the inverse of Z'Z/N, without the first element, if an intercept is in the model.

Several functions from package DiceDesign calculate optimality criteria regarding the space filling qualities of a design. These functions normalize the design to lie in the unit cube, if it does not yet do so. Application of these functions to designs with qualitative factors does not make sense and yields errors. The following functions are available:

mindist calculates the minimum distance between any pair of design points. This is the criterion which is maximized by maximin designs, i.e. should be large for a space-filling design.

For the next two distance metrics, it is helpful to define g_i as the minimal distance of design point i to any other design point.

meshRatio calculates the ratio of the maximum g_i to the minimum g_i (a small mesh ratio indicates a similar minimal distance for all design points).

coverage calculates the coefficient of variation of the g_i, however using the denominator n instead of n-1 for the standard deviation (a large coverage indicates that the average minimal distance for of design points is large relative to their standard deviation; large values are desirable).

Function discrepancyCriteria calculates several versions of L2 discrepancy.

Function link[skpr]{eval_design} calculates effect and parameter powers for a design for a specified model and a specified significance level alpha.


Function Scalc returns a single number: the harmonic mean of all pairwise interpoint distances is calculated, based on the matrix design or the desnum attribute of the design design. (This value should be as large as possible for a space-filling design.)

Note that the resulting S value differs from the printed optimum value by function for type optimum in two respects: the printed optimum value is the sum of inverse distances, i.e. the denominator of the harmonic mean. choose(nruns, 2) divided by the printed final optimal value is approximately equal to the calculated S; perfect equality cannot be achieved because the underlying the printed final optimum refers to an interim latin hypercube of integers that is subsequently rescaled to the unit cube and scrambled by random numbers.

Function compare returns a matrix, with rows representing the criteria and columns the different designs. Apart from many of the criteria mentioned above, the determinant of the correlation matrix is shown, which should ideally be close to one for a near-orthogonal design (at least in terms of linear effects).


This package is still under (slow) development. Reports about bugs and inconveniences are welcome.


Ulrike Groemping


Beachkofski, B., Grandhi, R. (2002) Improved Distributed Hypercube Sampling. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Paper 1274.

Currin C., Mitchell T., Morris M. and Ylvisaker D. (1991) Bayesian Prediction of Deterministic Functions With Applications to the Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments, Journal of the American Statistical Association 86, 953–963.

Santner T.J., Williams B.J. and Notz W.I. (2003) The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments, Springer, 121–161.

Shewry, M. C. and Wynn and H. P. (1987) Maximum entropy sampling. Journal of Applied Statistics 14, 165–170.

Fang K.-T., Li R. and Sudjianto A. (2006) Design and Modeling for Computer Experiments, Chapman & Hall.

Stein, M. (1987) Large Sample Properties of Simulations Using Latin Hypercube Sampling. Technometrics 29, 143–151.

Stocki, R. (2005) A method to improve design reliability using optimal Latin hypercube sampling. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences 12, 87–105.

See Also

See Also lhs-package, DiceDesign-package,, eval_design


## optimum design from package lhs (default)
   plan <-,4,"optimum",
          factor.names=list(c(15,25), c(10,90), c(0,120), c(12,24)), digits=2)
   ## maximin design 
   plan2 <-,4,"maximin",
          factor.names=list(c(15,25), c(10,90), c(0,120), c(12,24)), digits=2)
   ## purely random design (usually not ideal)
   plan3 <-,4,"random",
          factor.names=list(c(15,25), c(10,90), c(0,120), c(12,24)), digits=2)
   ## genetic design 
   plan4 <-,4,"genetic",
          factor.names=list(c(15,25), c(10,90), c(0,120), c(12,24)), digits=2)
   ## dmax design from package DiceDesign
   ## arguments range and niter_max are required
   ## ?dmaxDesign for more info
   plan5 <-,4,"dmax",
              range=0.2, niter_max=500)
   ## Strauss design from package DiceDesign
   ## argument RND is required
   ## ?straussDesign for more info
   plan6 <-,4,"strauss",
              RND = 0.2)
   ## compare all these designs
   compare(plan, plan2, plan3, plan4, plan5, plan6)

Functions for supporting response surface analysis with package rsm


These functions support response surface analysis with package rsm. Function rsmformula creates a model formula for use with function rsm, using the FO, TWI and PQ notation. Function prepares a fractional factorial 2-level design with center points from package FrF2 or a ccd, bbd or lhs design from this package for convenient use with package rsm functionality, function reverses the coding action.

rsmformula(design, response=NULL, factor.names=NULL, 
    use.blockvar = TRUE, degree=2, coded=TRUE, ...)



a response surface design of class design with at least one response variable and of a type derived from ccd, bbd, or lhs


character string specifying the response variable to be analysed (default: the first response of the design)


character vector specifying the factors to be included (default: all experimental factors)


logical indicating whether or not the block effect (if available) is to be included into the model


default is 2 for a full second order model. For a first order only model, specify 1; for a model with main effects and 2-factor interactions, specify 1.5. degree corresponds to the order element of the object created by function rsm.


logical indicating whether the formula is to be provided in coded names (x1, x2 etc., coded=TRUE) or original variable names (coded=FALSE)


reserved for future usage


Function rescales the variables of a design with quantitative variables according to the information stored in the coding element of the attribute of design, function rescales a coded design to original units.

Function rsmformula creates a formula for use with function rsm. If this function is created in coded variable names (which is the default), it can be used in function rsm together with the coded data object created by function for creating a response surface model, which can be post-processed by the utilities provided in package rsm, especially the [rsm:rsm]{methods} for class rsm objects and functions steepest or canonical.path.

IMPORTANT: coded vs. original units
The text below assumes that the design has been entered using the default.levels or the factor.names option to specify the factor levels in original units.
The usual steepest ascent analysis is done in coded units, i.e. if e.g. factor X1 has original units 10 (code -1 = (10-20)/10) and 30 (code +1 = (30-20)/10) and factor X2 has original units 0.1 (code -1 = (0.1 - 0.2)/0.1) and 0.3 (code +1 = (0.3 - 0.2)/0.1), an increase of 10 for a change in factor X1 from 10 to 30 is considered steeper (slope 10/2) than an increase of 9 for a change in factor X2 from 0.1 to 0.3 (slope 9/2). If this behavior is desired, usage of rsmformula with option coded=TRUE and a design generated by is needed.
Otherwise, i.e. when assessment is desired in original units, the ascent for factor X2 (9/0.2) would of course be much steeper than for factor X1 (10/20) in the above example. For obtaining an assessment based on the original units, one can simply use rsmformula with option coded=FALSE and the design itself in original units in the rsm model. This only makes sense for first order models: function steepest always assesses the slope at the origin; for first order models, it does not matter where the slope is assessed. For models with order (=degree) 1.5 or 2, the steepest analysis in original units is adequate only for the exceptional case that 0 is the point of interest.


Function returns a object for usage with function rsm; this object can be returned to its original state by applying function

Function rsmformula returns a formula with an FO (=first order) portion, for degree=1.5 additionally a TWI (=two factor interactions, 2fis) portion, and for degree=2 also a PQ (=pure quadratic) portion.

This representation of the model formula is needed for response surface analyses with package rsm. Per default, the formula comes in coded variable names (x1, x2 etc.).


This package is still under (slow) development. Reports about bugs and inconveniences are welcome.


Ulrike Groemping


Lenth, R.V. (2009). Response-Surface Methods in R, using rsm. Journal of Statistical Software 32(7), 1-17. URL

Myers, R.H., Montgomery, D.C. and Anderson-Cook, C.M. (2009). Response Surface Methodology. Process and Product Optimization Using Designed Experiments. Wiley, New York.

See Also

See also rsm, steepest, canonical.path, contour.lm, . The formula method for class design objects creates equivalent model formulae in standard model notation.


## an artificial example with random response
  ## purely for demonstrating how the functions work together with rsm
  plan <-, ncenter=6, 
         factor.names = list(one=c(10,30),two=c(1,5),three=c(0.1,0.9),
  plan <- add.response(plan, rnorm(38))
  ## coding
  plan.c <-
  ## first order analysis
     ## formulae needed for first order models:
    rsmformula(plan, degree=1)                ## coded
    rsmformula(plan, degree=1, coded=FALSE)   ## original units
    ## steepest ascent: steepness assessed in coded units, 
    ## results also presented in original units
    linmod1 <- rsm(rsmformula(plan, degree=1), data=plan.c)
    ## steepest ascent: steepness assessed in original units!!! 
    ## this is different from the usual approach!!! 
    ## cf. explanation in Details section
    linmod1.original <- rsm(rsmformula(plan, degree=1, coded=FALSE), data=plan)

  ## second order analysis (including quadratic, degree=1.5 would omit quadratic
    ## formulae needed for second order models:
    rsmformula(plan, degree=2)               ## coded
    rsmformula(plan, degree=2, coded=FALSE)  ## original units
       ## the formulae can also be constructed analogously to the FO formulae 
       ## by using SO instead of FO
       ## rsmformula returns the more detailed function because 
       ##     it can be more easily modified to omit one of the effects
    ## the stationary point is not affected by using coded or original units
    ##     neither is the decision about the nature of the stationary point
    ## a subsequent canonical path analysis will however be affected,
    ##     analogously to the steepest ascent (cf. Details section)
    ## analysis in coded units
    linmod2 <- rsm(rsmformula(plan, degree=2), data=plan.c)
    ## analysis in original units
    linmod2.original <- rsm(rsmformula(plan, degree=2, coded=FALSE), data=plan)
    ## the contour plot may be nicer when using original units
    contour(linmod2, form=~x1*x2)
    contour(linmod2.original, form=~one*two)
    ## the canonical path is usually more reasonable in coded units
    canonical.path(linmod2)            ## coded units
    canonical.path(linmod2.original)   ## original units
    ## analogous analysis without the special formula notation of function rsm
    linmod <- rsm(rnorm.38. ~ Block.ccd + (one + two + three + four + five)^2 + 
          I(one^2) + I(two^2) + I(three^2) + I(four^2) + I(five^2), data=plan)
    contour(linmod, form=~one*two)  ## contour plot is possible
    ## steepest or canonical.path cannot be used, 
    ## because the model is a conventional lm
    ## contour will not work on the convenience model
    ## lm(plan), which is otherwise identical to linmod
    ## (it will neither work on lm(formula(plan), plan))
    ## or lm(rsmformula(plan), plan)