relaimpo - Relative Importance of Regressors in Linear Models
Provides several metrics for assessing relative importance in linear models. These can be printed, plotted and bootstrapped. The recommended metric is lmg, which provides a decomposition of the model explained variance into non-negative contributions. There is a version of this package available that additionally provides a new and also recommended metric called pmvd. If you are a non-US user, you can download this extended version from Ulrike Groempings web site.
Last updated 1 years ago
5.75 score 3 stars 3 dependents 632 scripts 3.3k downloadsFrF2 - Fractional Factorial Designs with 2-Level Factors
Regular and non-regular Fractional Factorial 2-level designs can be created. Furthermore, analysis tools for Fractional Factorial designs with 2-level factors are offered (main effects and interaction plots for all factors simultaneously, cube plot for looking at the simultaneous effects of three factors, full or half normal plot, alias structure in a more readable format than with the built-in function alias).
Last updated 1 years ago
5.10 score 2 stars 8 dependents 185 scripts 4.7k downloadsDoE.base - Full Factorials, Orthogonal Arrays and Base Utilities for DoE Packages
Creates full factorial experimental designs and designs based on orthogonal arrays for (industrial) experiments. Provides diverse quality criteria. Provides utility functions for the class design, which is also used by other packages for designed experiments.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.50 score 1 stars 19 dependents 104 scripts 5.3k downloadsSOAs - Creation of Stratum Orthogonal Arrays
Creates stratum orthogonal arrays (also known as strong orthogonal arrays). These are arrays with more levels per column than the typical orthogonal array, and whose low order projections behave like orthogonal arrays, when collapsing levels to coarser strata. Details are described in Groemping (2022) "A unifying implementation of stratum (aka strong) orthogonal arrays" <>.
Last updated 1 years ago
3.18 score 3 stars 2 scripts 290 downloadsic.infer - Inequality Constrained Inference in Linear Normal Situations
Implements inequality constrained inference. This includes parameter estimation in normal (linear) models under linear equality and inequality constraints, as well as normal likelihood ratio tests involving inequality-constrained hypotheses. For inequality-constrained linear models, averaging over R-squared for different orderings of regressors is also included.
Last updated 1 years ago
3.03 score 2 dependents 17 scripts 1.1k downloadsDoE.wrapper - Wrapper Package for Design of Experiments Functionality
Various kinds of designs for (industrial) experiments can be created. The package uses, and sometimes enhances, design generation routines from other packages. So far, response surface designs from package 'rsm', Latin hypercube samples from packages 'lhs' and 'DiceDesign', and D-optimal designs from package 'AlgDesign' have been implemented.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.45 score 2 dependents 27 scripts 1.7k downloadsprepplot - Prepare Figure Region for Base Graphics
A figure region is prepared, creating a plot region with suitable background color, grid lines or shadings, and providing axes and labeling if not suppressed. Subsequently, information carrying graphics elements can be added (points, lines, barplot with add=TRUE and so forth).
Last updated 4 years ago
2.00 score 1 scripts 167 downloadsFrF2.catlg128 - Catalogues of Resolution IV 128 Run 2-Level Fractional Factorials Up to 33 Factors that Do Have 5-Letter Words
Catalogues of resolution IV regular fractional factorial designs in 128 runs are provided for up to 33 2-level factors. The catalogues are complete, excluding resolution IV designs without 5-letter words, because these do not add value for a search for unblocked clear designs. The previous package version 1.0 with complete catalogues up to 24 runs (24 runs and a namespace added later) can be downloaded from the authors website.
Last updated 1 years ago
1.95 score 1 dependents 1 scripts 971 downloadsRcmdrPlugin.DoE - R Commander Plugin for (Industrial) Design of Experiments
Provides a platform-independent GUI for design of experiments. The package is implemented as a plugin to the R-Commander, which is a more general graphical user interface for statistics in R based on tcl/tk. DoE functionality can be accessed through the menu Design that is added to the R-Commander menus.
Last updated 4 months ago
1.67 score 3 stars 3 scripts 1.6k downloads